The PILF-side of Obamacare

OK…I get it.

I’m PISSED at Congress…

The GOP is pissed that Obamacare was activated today.

Now our great Republican representatives in the House have decided thay defunding the government was a proper response to Obamacare…

This temper tantrum has gone TOO far!

This action goes well beyond debate. It affects ALL of us.

I’ll bet you 100 million dollars that it does.

While I’m a big fan of the CONCEPT behind Obamacare…

I’m NOT a big fan of Obamacare.

I say this because of the influence  that Big Business has over our legislative branches: Federal, State, and local. A key provision of Obamacare is a mandate that employers who have any employees that work 30+ hours a week must provide health insurance for those employees.

Sounds good right?

In theory, yes…in reality?

In an already jobless and crippled economy, Obamacare gives an  employer an excuse to cut working hours because “they can’t afford to insure their employees and keep employees’ current salaries stable.”


The average CEO in America makes 350 times more than his company’s employees. That’s INSANE! I am all for success & prosperity, but there NO LIMIT for these guys. No Morals. The health of the employees who help finance your beach house isn’t important enough for you to take a 1% paycut? In most cases, that’s all it would take.

There is little regulation of business because Big Business OWNS most of Congress.

It’s been like that since the 80’s.

One word: Reaganomics

The Affordable Health Care Act, aka Obamacare v1 – The Beta Version- was a good idea with bad timing.

Until we elect a Congress that ACTUALLY works in the best interest of the American people, Obamacare is going to SCREW alot of working Americans.

Full-Time workers become Part-Time…

Part-Time workers become even MORE part-time…


Then again, the White House and Senate Democrats were probably HOPING this would happen.

Yes. Hoping for a shutdown.

Anything to make the GOP look bad in the eyes of voters.

On our dollar.

I’m all for getting rid of the Tea Party wack jobs…

but not at our expense!

Over the next 3 years, watch how Democrats seize this opportunity in order to gain control of the Legislative and the Executive branches. To them, this is politics.

To us, this is our lives.

We need to start paying more attention to OUR Congress and less attention to propaganda.

Less attention to the Kardashians…

Less attention to Basketball Wives…

We ALL should be individual political watchdog agencies.

The other aspect about Obamacare that troubles me is FORCING every American to obtain insurance or pay a fine.

What happened to FREEDOM?

IF I don’t want insurance for whatever reason, I shouldn’t be forced to have it.

I don’t like Big Brother having that much control over my life…and neither should you.

We HAVE to send politicans a message that we are paying attention…so tread carefully.

We HAVE to force them to STOP acting in the sole interest of Wall Street and Big Business.

Its already out a hand and its gonna be a long fight…but the end outcome will be worth it.

Then maybe, just maybe we can get a final draft of Obamacare that works for everyone and not just insurance companies.

Until then…keep an eye out watchdogs…

About urbanschola

I am dedicated to doing my part to making the world a better place through the exchange of information and educating each other to solve the issues of the world today!
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